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MSTing - Lullaby

>>she grew up with the children of the stars

MIKE: And John Stamos's brother Richard Stamos, but that's not important.
CROW: Hey, why isn't he singing, Mike?
MIKE: Just wait.

>>in the hollywood hills and the boulevard

SERVO: What boulevard? Sunset Boulevard? Santa Monica Boulevard? I need to know! It's very important to the plot of the song!

>>her parents threw big parties, everyone was there

CROW: Even....DEBBIE?!!!

>>they hung out with folks like dennis hopper, bob seeger, sonny and cher

MIKE: So, her parents hung out with washed-up has-beens?

>>now, she feels safe in the bar on fairfax

SERVO: Amongst the drug addicts and the drag queens? Somehow I doubt that.

>>and from the stage I can tell that she can't let go and she can't relax

CROW: He means, she can't let go of the barstool and she can't calm down after the fifth drunk guy has hit on her.

>>and just before she hangs her head to cry
>>I sing to her a lullaby

SERVO *singing off-key*: Rock-a-bye bAYbee on a trEEEEEtop!

>>I sing everything's gonna be all right
>>rockabye, rockabye

SERVO: Ah, well, I was close to the actual lyrics!

>>everything's gonna be all right
>>rockabye, rockabye

CROW: Um, I'm sorry, but he shouldn't have started singing. That just ruined the whole song. I'm leaving.
MIKE: Hey, get back here.

>>she still lives with her mom outside the city

SERVO: In the slums of Beverly Hills!

>>down that street about a half a mile

CROW: What street? The listening audience needs to know!

>>and all her friends tell her she's so pretty

MIKE: They say, "Yes, of course you're the next RuPaul!"

>>but she'd be a whole lot prettier if she smiled once in a while

CROW: Aw, isn't that sad? LICK ME!!

>>'cause even her smile looks like a frown

SERVO: Or, rather, an upside-down frown.

>>she's seen her share of devils in this angel town

MIKE: Oooh, Angels' Revenge!

>>but, everything's gonna be all right
>>rockabye, rockabye

CROW: He's singing again, Mike! Why can't he just make up his mind?
MIKE: Ah, well, it's supposed to be Shawn Mullins's "style." So just deal with it. It's almost over.

>>everything's gonna be all right
>>rockabye, rockabye
>>(musical interlude)

CROW: Musical interlude! Tom, what have you learned?
SERVO: Ummm....not much.
CROW: Good, I'm not the only one.

>>I told her I ain't so sure about this place

MIKE: Oh, come on. It's LA! What do you expect?

>>it's hard to play a gig in this town and keep a straight face

CROW (as Shawn Muillins): I mean *snicker*, you're just so *giggles*, FUNNY! BWA-HA HA HA HA! You crack me up, man!

>>seems like everyone's got a plan

SERVO: Plan for today - Blow up White House.

>>it's kind of like nashville with a tan

CROW: Huh. Can't you get tans in Nashville too?
SERVO: That's what I thought.
MIKE: Apparently not the same kind of tan.

>>but, everything's gonna be all right
>>rockabye, rockabye

SERVO: And the lyrics of the year go to...Shawn Mullins! Heh heh, just kidding.

>>everything's gonna be all right
>>rockabye, rockabye

CROW: The end! Hurray!
SERVO: I'm knocking off for some Cheez-Its, hows about you?
CROW: Don't mind if I do.
MIKE: Hey, wait! Save some for me!

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