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Newsings of the rising sun ... the Herald Speaks. Awakenings.

Recent Additions

This document shall take note of any incoming arrivals, additions, visitors, and new elements of the apothecary recently opened. The latest news is conveniently posted forthright and at the head of this document; simply peruse downwards to read into the history of the notation.

February ~ 15 ~ 2003

After a long and wearing winter season, the Lady has brought forth from her study a quintet of enchanted magus masks to be added within the Garderobe confinements. Look upon them with wonder and awe, for their mysterious beauty is matched only by their august and potent ability. Caution is as always, advised with such mystic relics.

August ~ 19 ~ 2002

Today the Lady has placed in her mystic study a strange yet entertaining volume entitled Cantrips for the Common Man. This old leather-bound book contains simple spells, 'mini-magic' as some wizards might arrogantly call the cantrips ... but for the common folk who flock to her apothecary they are a magical boon to their daily lives, each cantrip requiring but brief concentration and the will of the caster to perform tiny miracles. Or so it seems to these rustic peoples, all of whom are singing praises of the Lady this day.

August ~ 13 ~ 2002

Having procured several seed packets and tiny cuttings from a traveling caravan early in the spring, Anya is quite pleased to reveal the newest additions to her greenhouse. Several common and uncommon herbs and plants and trees are now available for clientele, including pepperberries for medicine and spice; sun-drops for perfumes and drugs; White-Eye to aid healing and magical sight; Bitter to create poisons and irritants; silpstrewth for medicinal and cooking purposes; Qirith for fabulous healing properties; and finally freshmint which is used for oral health and hygenic purposes. Anya is terribly pleased with her handiwork, and is sure to apply these plants to good mystical and practical uses.

August ~ 12 ~ 2002

A veritable cornucopia of delights awaits the traveller in Dame Edna's kitchens. Many new and sundry edibles from the far-flung corners of the world have been introduced into her repotoire, and the addition of several fine vintages and stocks of liquors and alcohols await to soothe the body and soul in their velvety depths. Nearly twenty repasts and libations have been added to the menu roster, and the eager clusters of patrons give tell to their success in pleasing the palate.

March ~ 4 ~ 2002

After unlocking the doors to her private study, and revealing pages of her spell-book to any who wish to drink from the fount of knowledge, the Lady has created several new rainments now on display in the Eastern Garderobe.

Firstly, there is a set of magic hairpins for both males and females; then there is a variety of enchanted footgear from which to choose. Lastly a breathtaking and elegant matched pair of lover's rings await to be given in the spirit of eternal bonding. Enjoy, my children.

February ~ 9 ~ 2002

The Lady and her retinue have been hard at work cleaning the apothecary from cellars to attic, preparing for spring; and in fact the Garderobe beyond the east door has been freshly painted and its stonework repaired, resulting in an entirely new chamber. The Lady humbly asks that visitors make sure they stop through and examine her handiwork, as well as peruse the fascinating creations within.

With the tender breeze of spring's promise in the air, and a time of change and turning of new leaves, the Lady has also bade that the great ironwood door locking her personal sanctuary be released and opened. Visitors may now enter the antechamber and look upon her Tome of Magicks to explore and enscribe upon parchment. Many of the spells within its vellum pages are of the Lady's own creation, with much effort and time invested. All practitioners of the mystic arts are welcome to enter and learn if they wish, provided their hearts are light and their spirits, clean of the shadow.

January ~ 25 ~ 2002

This fine afternoon, the bell was rung in the courtyard, announcing further unusual imports brought by courier into the kitchens of the Dame Edna; her larder is quite the well-stocked pride of the apothecary now, as the line of folk in and out of the bake-house will attend.

Among other distinct delicacies, the Dame has for trade or purchase a rich chocolate from the chilly North; a bushel of delicious snow apples of the lost Old Kingdom; and lastly the now-famous Tallam's Trail Blend, a nutritious and interesting blend of dried foodstuffs becoming quite popular with travellers and adventurers these days.

January ~ 12 ~ 2002

On this day Dame Edna is most pleased to have discovered several unusual wares of one of the last caravans plying the trade routes as they race ahead of the brewing winter storms; both libations to serve at the apothecary for honored guests. One, a fizzing punch for Anya, and the other, a set of fine teas from the Shadow Coast. The Dame is terribly pleased to have such pantry keepsakes that hail from such distant shores.

January ~ 8 ~ 2002

Dame Edna of the Kitchen has been to market to-day, and wandered amidst the merchants hawking their wares; she has brought back with her several unusual and fascinating foodstuffs to serve and sell to guests of the apothecary. There are a few tidbits that may be of considerable interest to travellers and other folk undertaking personal journeys.

December ~ 28 ~ 2001

A recent trading caravan rolled into the front court-yard of the apothecary, the gypsies erecting upon the cobbles delightful tents and charming stands like a blossoming field of wildflowers. For two days they have traded with the locals, bringing in all manner of unusual and far-flung treasures from around Palladia.

Dame Edna of the bake-house has procured several interesting and rare foodstuffs from the caravan, and is now trading her especial finds to lucky patrons. If unusual edibles are your interest, she might have just the thing for you. Likewise, should one desire some hard-to-find liqueurs, look no further than the Dame; Dwarven and Elven alcohols, even a Goblin brew to sample!

December ~ 26 ~ 2001

Visitors will find this day a new element to the apothecary; Dame Edna, a portly and generous matron of the cooking-craft, has graciously taken up residence in the ancient bakehouse, which is rumored to have been standing long before the apothecary was ever constructed.

Here the delightfully rustic woman prepares especial table fare in accordance to old recipes handed down for generations. It is whispered she in fact is a mystic and a longtime friend of the Lady; none know for sure, but the peculiar gold marks this Dame Edna charges for her wares is most unusual, indeed. Perhaps it would be worth a look strolling through the back herb-yard to the bakehouse, and perchance examine those most whispered-about Bake-House Creations.

November ~ 15 ~ 2001

After a much needed hiatus, and a trek into lands unknown, the Lady has returned to her apothecary, faithfully watched and maintained by Anya in her absence. Whilst the matron has been away, Anya has been diligently at her studies, perfecting her own school of magic; and with this latest plateau of accomplishment comes a series of original creations featuring her Beekeeper's Magic of the Old Believers. One may find Anya beyond in the garden greenhouse.

So too did the Lady bring forth a new addition to her apothecary; a set of personal care items designed to enhance one's appearance and alter one's physicality, all created by the Lady's good friend Tira Atiempo. One may find these creations in the garderobe beyond the eastern door.

October ~ 7 ~ 2001

Another autumn afternoon in the warm and nostalgically quiet apothecary, when the Lady recieves a visitor; an old friend, bound from the Eastern Territories across the inland water passages to the Empire of Sin. And with him arrives a gift, in fact for the apothecary; a set of peculiar Dwarven steins with very special properties, or so he swore upon all his gods.

Ever pleased to see a familiar and friendly face, the Lady took his word at face value, though her apprentice Anya remains skeptical and suspicious about the merchandice. But since neither of them are Dwarves, the are unable to ascertain the truth. Perhaps if there is a Dwarf in her clientele's party, she might learn more about these so-called Hruthgar's Holy Tankards.

October ~ 1 ~ 2001

This day brought into the apothecary a dear old friend of the Lady's, who had spent long months traversing the Northern Wilderness. He brought back a most useful and curious object which the Lady has re-created for her patrons, the Winterwarmth's Ladle. Many of her adventuring clientele were glad to see such an artifact.

Elsewhere within the apothecary, a lovely estate collection has been donated and placed within the garderobe for display and sale. Many magically enhanced acessories and pieces of jewelry, including a magnificent sash and amulets and earrings. But be wary of what you spend your hard-earned gold upon, for there is a very special, very seductive piece that could bring as much pain as pleasure to the wearer. Wander into the garderobe and admire from afar the Mark of the Succubus. But think closely whether or not it is indeed something worth meddling with.

September ~ 27 ~ 2001

It is with great excitement and pride that Anya has been given permission by the Lady to act as merchant for the harvest of the lass' long, hard studies; several new herbal and magical creations that the apprentice herself has wrought from her own knowledge and skill. Remaining somewhat shy even in her vigorous pleasure of tangible accomplishment, Anya is more than eager to show her wares to anyone who asks; perhaps a stroll into the garden atrium would prove most interesting and beneficial. Just remember to bring your gold.

September ~ 23 ~ 2001

Within a once-empty great inset cabinet within the garderobe now resides a most curious collection of enchanted masks, in astonishing, luminous detail and craftsmanship. Placed on display, the Lady has not named a price for these wondrous works; mayhap she does not wish to sell them at all, but simply place them for all to see.

'Tis a brief walk through the apothecary to pass through the eastern archway and into the garderobe and examine these fine masks for oneself.

The original concept of the Mask Mages is copyright Jeremy; please contact him for further detail of his fine works.

September ~ 21 ~ 2001

With much apologies to the dedicated and faithful clientele of the apothecary, Lady A expresses both her sincere apologies for a lack of recent additions, and a grateful thanks for their continued patronage. To a greater extent the recent tragedies of the world, and to a lesser extent a personal injury, have prevented the Lady from fully attending to her apothecary. Please continue to peruse and enjoy what she has to offer here, and look forward to a new arrival in the brief coming days.

Be well, my children; and watch over one another even as the Creator, whatever face it wears within your heart, watches over us all.

September ~ 2 ~ 2001

On an otherwise quiet and uneventful afternoon within the sunlit apothecary, a rather frantic fellow calling himself Malefic rushed through the door with a hasty bidding for the Lady to take with his blessing and demand. Humoring the scoundrel, she took the silk-wrapped package, and after his immediate departure took a look inside.

Lo and behold amongst the creamy folds of fabric were nestled a trio of these most peculiar and decidedly ... masculine ... armaments; the Caer'thith. As they plainly appear to be another Cholohmu shell, she has placed them in the alcove of the weapons rack for display rather than sale.

It is her suspicion anyways, that these were, shall we say, aquired under less than favorable conditions from another source. Still, should someone come looking for Malefic, she knows naught.

August ~ 29 ~ 2001

This day reveals a previously-unused archway within the weapons rack alcove to be occupied with a most strange manner of arms and armaments; the Cholohmu Shells. Bear witness to their tragic, torrid history steeped in thousands of years of forgotten abandonment, and consider the lesson to be learned within their existence.

One wonders why the Lady has chosen to display these coveted pieces so openly and unabashedly ... and far more peculiar and thought-provoking, how she knows so much about them ...

August ~ 22 ~ 2001

Anya, the apprentice lass to the Lady; and current guardian of the abundant flora in the garden of the northern atrium, has suddenly begged her Mistress to place in the weapons rack a most peculiar golden bracelet, cunningly wrought with fifteen sparkling diamonds like liquid white fire. She claims it transforms into a magical sword which inflicts significant damage ... gaze upon the mysterious bracelet for yourself and decide.

But why is the lass so sorrowful and melancholy over her own choice to do this?

August ~ 21 ~ 2001

Three new arrivals in merchandise today, all of which can be found at the front counter of the apothecary:

A Copper Kettle which instantly boils liquids while remaining cool; a boon to mages, healers, and tea-lovers everywhere.

The Candles of Everburn to light your way with three times the illuminary power, and magically safe to boot, whose light sheds only warmth, and not negatives to races' visual infrared abilities when lit in the dark.

And lastly a simple Firestarter to magically alight the campfire or an oil slick, without the fear of burning oneself in the process. Enchanted for unlimited use!

August ~ 17 ~ 2001

A recently arrived patron has made his way into the apothecary, into the good graces of the Lady, and the tender ministrations and healing hands of Anya; he has in fact placed into their care several arms and armaments for which he no longer has any use. He is the mysterious Veteran Soldier, and should one read between the lines, one will find a rich and tormented soul indeed. Hearken well and listen to his words, and learn from him the lesson he bought with such hardship and sacrifice.

The Veteran Soldier is a collaborative effort kindly bestowed upon the apothecary by Chap, who retains all copyrights regarding this fine work.

August ~ 16 ~ 2001

This page is the most recent addition to the apothecary, as I felt it was quite time to add a comparative listing of all further incoming merchandise and visitors. My hope is that patrons shall attend to this bulletin, and quickly and efficiently select what they wish to view.

On a more personal note, I am pleased to see the apothecary grow to such proportions that this measure is necessary. Please send me a letter should you have any comments, questions, critiques, or commendation. Better yet, scribe a notation upon my spell book for all to read your message (and myself as well!)

~Lady A

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