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April 16, 2003 - Wednesday

April 16, 2003 - Wednesday

A warm and gorgeous day. Really beautiful.

I had a happy and a sad day today. In two of my classes we did how to describe people. In the first one, my student, a gentleman in his mid 30's said,"You are in your early 30's." Of course I was very happy with that guess, although it was wrong! Then my second student, in his late teens, said to me, "You are in your early 40's." Argh! What a big difference. I told him he was a little high! Oh well.

I was quite busy today. I had 6 classes. It was supposed to be 7, but one student didn't come. Classes generally went well, except for the comment about being 40 something!

After work, Fumihiko picked me up at the apartment and we went to M's Dining for dinner. It was reaally nice. We talked a lot, or rather, I talked a lot and Fumihiko listened! I had a cup of cappuchino without milk and the caffeine gave me a real buzz. I talked nineteen to the dozen, most of it complete and utter nonsense! We did a comparison about how many prefectures we have both been in and I think Fumihiko's total is only a couple more than me! In 6 years I managed to pack in a lot of travelling I guess. I really want to do more. I haven't been to Osaka or Hiroshima yet.

We came home and watched Charmed. It was kind of silly, but fun. Tonight they had a brush with Fairies and Trolls. As usual, it didn't make a lot of sense, but was very enjoyable.

And that's it. Hopefully I'll be off to bed soon. I'll talk to you later!

Sweet dreams!

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