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December 9, 2003 - Tuesday

A pretty average Tuesday, basically except for the weather. It snowed all day. It didn't stay on the ground, but it is threatening to I think.

I slept at the apartment, then took a shower, cooked breakfast and lunch and went to work. The manager had a meeting today, so for the first few hours I was alone.

I only had 4 out of 6 classes happen today. I think they went quite well though..mostly!

After work I was done very early so I called my husband and asked him to pick me up. I actually walked today, I didn't ride my bike as I was afraid that the snow would stay. He did and we drove off. However, in front of the school I noticed that I hadn't turned off the light in the office, so I went back and turned it off. Silly me!

We had dinner at M's Dining. I had steak and drink bar. It was really good tonight, and I was good and didn't have any coffee or cappuchino. I did have a couple of teas though.

Anyway, then we came home and that was that. My day today. Pretty boring and normal actually.

Gotta go....night night!

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