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December 19, 2003 - Friday

Cold, rainy, and finally snowy. Very windy.

What a day! Actually not too bad, despite the nasty weather. This morning at the apartment I went straight to sleep and got up quite late. I had to do laundry, shower, cook breakfast and lunch in about 50 minutes. Well, I went over time, but I did get everything done and to work on time. Yay me!

I had a very non-busy day today. But, that gave me lots of time to do other things. So, I did my paperwork for the 20th and the end of the month, I prepared classes for today and tomorrow, and I even cleaned out a couple of my drawers! Wow. I need to do more of that, but I didn't get around to it yet. Sigh.

My classes that I did have went quite well. However, they were only one person classes today. Argh! Where is everyone? After one class I did counselling and I think it went quite well.

Fumihiko offered to come and pick me up, but I said that I thought I could make it back to the apartment by myself. I did, although it was a bit hairy in places, mostly because of bad drivers! When I got to the apartment, Fumihiko was already there waiting for me. I went in and grabbed another pair of shoes and a bunch of my stamps. I'm going to do a stamping lesson in class tomorrow. Yay! And, I took the perishables out of my refrigerator and brought them home with us. They might as well get eaten here, as go bad in my fridge!

For tonight's dinner we went to Gyu-oh. It was good as usual. We had pork, chicken, soup and finally a bit of beef. We also had big glasses of oolong tea. Yum. I like that place. The lady is really friendly and nice. I don't understand a word she says, but she's nice!

We came home and Fumihiko made us some coffee. It was good too. We even put some of my real cream in it, so it was extra nice. A little while later I took a shower and Fumihiko went to sleep. He's tired, poor thing. So, that was my day.

Catch you tomorrow night? Night night!

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