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December 29, 2003 - Monday

Clear and warm down south, cooler and rainy at home.

We're back! We had a great time in Bangkok. We didn't have any bad things happen, thank goodness. We were warned constantly about pickpockets, thieves and dishonest taxi drivers, but nothing happened to us, so consider ourselves quite lucky.

The weather in Bangkok was lovely, hot and sunny everyday. I got a bit of sun on the first day, despite having worn lots of sunscreen, but didn't have any pain the next day.

Anyway, today I got up around 10:00am and got ready. Fumihiko and I checked out of our hotel room in Narita, then went for a walk around the hotel grounds. After our brunch we took a bus back to Narita (International) airport, then another bus to Haneda (Domestic) airport. We had hours to kill in the airport so we had coffee at Starbucks, and wandered around a bit. The airplane ride back was a bit bumpy, but on the whole not too bad.

When we got back we went for dinner at Edoichi. I think we've both eaten so much over the past few days that we wanted another big meal. It was okay, and not too crowded for a change.

We came home, I downloaded my pictures into my computer and showed Fumihiko's Mum, then we unpacked a bit of stuff. I still have most of my suitcase to unload. Sigh. Tons of laundry to do too! However , the good thing is that I used almost everything that I had taken, so I guess I didn't really overpack!

I'm still a bit jetlagged and tired, so I'd like to get to bed fairly soon. However, I'll put up a few pictures from our trip...please see the front page of this lovely homepage!

Night night! Or, should I say,"laa-kawn"?

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