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December 21, 2003 - Sunday

Cold, a bit rainy and snowy.

Today was an interesting day. This morning I slept in very late and then made Fumihiko take me to a fancy restaurant for lunch. We went to Bistro De Pont in Mikawa. It was really nice today. I had salmon and Fumihiko had wild duck. Yum yum, yum.

After lunch we went to the mall and checked out the movies. We could have gone to see The Last Samurai, but decided not to. Instead, Fumihiko went to buy something in Jusco and I went and checked out the beading kits in the craft department. They were finally on sale, so I bought 3 of them! Two small ones and a big one. I'm looking forward to doing them sometime. Hopefully when I come back.

After shopping in the mall, we went to S-Mall to get some food and some stuff for me from the drugstore. We got a lot of food for the party.

We came home and did a lot of packing. When we left to go to the International Center, Fumihiko's Mum wasn't too happy to see us go, but I'm not sure why.

The party there was okay. There wasn't as many people speaking English as I thought there would be. However, there was lots of food, not that I could eat a lot of it, and people were friendly...some were a little too friendly. I felt sorry for my husband having to answer so many kind of rude questions. Although, to him they may not have seemed so rude, Japanese people have a different culture and questions that Canadians wouldn't ask are common place here.

We came back home after the party, and that's where we are now. I hope to get to bed fairly early tonight as the next couple of days may be a bit trying! Wish me luck!

I won't be back in Tsuruoka until December 29, so don't miss me too much!

Merry Christmas to All of My Readers and have a wonderful Holiday Season.

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