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Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Warm in the morning, with snow and wind in the evening. Getting colder again.

A pretty good day. I had a nap in the morning and didn't get all of my laundry done. I didn't even get around to cooking my breakfast! I had to eat a can of salmon! Oh well. Tomorrow I'll cook.

Classes went well today, except for some reason my stomach was making noises in my evening classes. Loud noises that my students could hear. Yikes! What should a person do? I just laughed and apologized.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went out for dinner to M's Dining. It was quite nice, I had steak and hamburger, and we split a caesar salad too. I gave the drink bar a miss tonight as I am trying to avoid caffeine again.

And that's my day. Nice, not too stressful. I hope tomorrow is the same. Night night!

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