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February 13, 2003 - Thursday

February 13, 2003 - Thursday

Cold and windy most of the day, a bit of snow/rain in the evening.

Today was okay. I napped at the apartment again, and I'm planning to do that tomorrow too. I have to get up early as Fumihiko needs to go to work early, poor thing. I feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for me too, as I have to get up when he does to catch a ride. I did my usual stuff at the apartment, plus I also took a shower. It's much nicer there. I moved the heater so it heated the bathroom area and turned up the water so it was really hot. Great!

I was a little busy today, six classes. A new student joined one of them and a student who is away a lot came today too. It was great to see them, and class went quite well actually. Hurray.

Fumihiko cooked nabe tonight. He made a small nabe with lots of veggies in it. I really enjoyed it.

I'm heading off to bed soon as I have the aforementioned getting up early thing to deal with. I'm am so not a morning person! Night night!

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