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Friday, February 14, 2003

Happy Valentine's Day!

Warm and sunny in the morning, becoming colder in the evening.

Today was pretty good. See if you agree with me.

This morning we had to get up really early. Fumihiko had to start work at 7:30 am so we got up around 6:30. I got to the apartment just after 7 and almost immediately took a long nap! It was great. I also cooked breakfast and showered at the apartment.

Work was fine, except a few students didn't show up. My first class didn't happen because the student forgot about our class! Oh no. And in my last one, only one student came, and he was half an hour late! After work I talked to Aya, one of the new teachers about some of my books and how to use them.

During my lunch hour I went to Jusco and picked up a couple of things for my husband for Valentine's Day. I was worried in case my other gift for him didn't arrive.

When I got home tonight, Fumihiko made me come upstairs to our room and he showed me that he'd received the box that I sent. Yay! Then I started singing "It's Raining Men", but changed the words to "It's Raining Socks" and started throwing some of the socks that I bought to him! He loved it. Lately I've been laughing at him because his socks have lots of holes in them. I bought him a lot of socks last year, I guess he wears them out quickly or something! I also got him something else, but I think if I talked about it here he'd get angry with me! After he looked at his stuff, he pulled out a beautiful bouquet of roses for me! What a sweetheart! I got ten beautiful roses, in many different colours. there are white, yellow, dark reddish purple (my favourites) and a reddish/yellow one. They are gorgeous.

We went downstairs and had dinner. We ate yakiniku which was really good, watched the news and also The West Wing. It was really good tonight. Then Fumihiko started the dishes and I came and helped him after the show finished. Then I came upstairs and arranged the flowers. I'll be going to bed soon I think. I've been sneezing a lot today and Fumihiko is convinced that I have a cold. I hope not!

Talk to you tomorrow. Night night!

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