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March 25, 2003 - Tuesday

March 25, 2003 - Tuesday

Sunny and quite warm today. Generally a nice day.

This morning my poor husband was NOT FEELING WELL. Poor thing. He did get up and went off to work, but he was vowing to go and see the doctor. I'm sorry, but I think Japanese people are generally hypochrondriacs! They go to the doctor at the drop of a hat, or in my husband's case, at the first little sniffle. Okay, I realize that I am not a nice person, but that's how I see it.

Anyway, when I got to the apartment I took a walk. I walked for about 20 minutes again and it was nice. It's an interesting area. I like being able to see the river. It isn't a terribly impressive river, the North Saskatchewan has nothing to worry about, but it looks pretty if you don't look too deeply.

I came back to the apartment, showered and then cooked lunch and breakfast. Yes, in that order! That way, lunch can cool down while I eat, and I still get to eat a hot breakfast. Yum. I'm getting to be a good cook I think.

Work was okay today. I had two classes cancel (one I knew about before) and a flex student booked 7 lessons from me in the next 3 weeks. Yikes. I hope that my other students will understand.

During work I called home to see how my beloved was doing. Well, the answer was badly. He was in bed, he'd seen the doctor and taken some time off work too. I felt sorry for him, especially since he was supposed to have gone to a party tonight. He was too sick to go. He even told me to stay at the apartment as I had planned so that I hopefully won't catch what he's got. I really don't need to get sick at this time of year. Sigh. It was very generous of him to not ask me to go home and nurse him. I told him yesterday that I am a lousy nurse, maybe he believed me?

I came back to the apartment tonight and cooked my dinner. I had eggplant and some beef that I grilled. It was nice. I sat down and ate very happily. I even did my dishes afterwards before getting out my computer and writing this entry. I hope to do more writing tonight before I go to bed. The nice thing is that I don't HAVE to get up so darn early! I can if I want to, but I don't have to. Yay.

Anyway, not much else to go on about, so I'll sign off now. Night night!

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