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March 26, 2003 - Wednesday

March 26, 2003 - Wednesday

Clear and warm day. Nice!

I overslept this morning and I couldn't get up. I wanted to go for a walk, but I sort of wanted to stay in bed and sleep. So I did. I finally got up. I cooked breakfast but not lunch as I had done that last night.

Work was fine today. I was supposed to be busy, but I wasn't. That was sad. One of my students forgot his lesson and another couldn't come because of work. It was too bad. So, instead of being busy I was a little bored. But don't tell my bosses that!

After work I high-tailed it to the apartment where Fumihiko picked me up. We went out for dinner to M's Dining again. I was worried about Fumihiko all through the meal. He still isn't his genki self, despite spending almost 2 days in bed. Maybe he isn't such a hypochrondriac after all!

Home now and it's a bit cold. We didn't turn on the heater so I had to put on a sweatshirt. Oh well. And in weird computer news, my Dock seems to have disappeared. It is really wacko. First it was appearing and disappearing, now it seems to have vanished completedly. The joys of computers....NOT.

Anyway, I'm done for now. Have a good night!

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