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April 1, 2004 - Thursday

Cool but sunny.

An okay day today. I came to the apartment this morning and I went out for a walk. I had a really nice one. I did my old route from last year and I enjoyed it a lot. However, when I came home I still took a nap!

I was reasonably busy today at work. I thought I'd have more classes cancel, but actually, only one did. In the last class, I thought both students would be absent, but both of them showed up. It was great.

I finished up quickly after work and biked off to the supermarket. I bought a lot of things, especially things for dinner tonight. I also got the makings of soup because I thought I might as well make some.

When I got home I talked to my husband via my cell phone and then I proceeded to make soup, eat dinner and then watch Roswell and Oliver Beene. Now that I'm finished I'm watching the Oscars again. It's still fun.The Lord of the Rings really did clean up! I thought the Canadian that made the comment that "I'm glad Lord of the Rings wasn't eligible for this category!" had a good point!

Anyway, I don't want to have a late night tonight so I'm going to leave you. Don't miss me too much! Night night.

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