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March 31, 2004 - Wednesday

Cool and a bit cloudy.

An okay day. I did the usual morning stuff, plus I tried some of the new hot sauce that I bought on Monday. It was pretty good. It made a nice change from my usual omelet!

Work was fine today. I had a new class start today. Two small boys, around 6 years old. One of them was already my student, but now he has a classmate. It seemed to go well and they had fun. ( did I)

Work was fine if a bit quiet. My last class didn't happen so I did a lot of paperwork and lobby stuff. That was good. I was able to leave the school fairly early.

Fumihiko and I went out to Moundon and had Korean food. We had bulgogi and a mushroom dish. It was yummy. We also had some nori (seaweed) and some kimchee.

Then we came home and I watched the first episode of the new season of Charmed. It's still crazy, but I still love it!

Tomorrow I will stay over at the apartment so I won't be updating for a night. I'll update, but it won't get posted for a bit. Don't miss me too much! Night night.

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