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April 10, 2004 - Saturday

Sunny and warm, nice day.

An interesting day. I woke up at the apartment when Fumihiko did, but unlike him, I went back to sleep almost immediately. I finally dragged myself out of futon just before 10 and took a shower. We had breakfast in Gusto and then I went to work.

Work was mostly fine. In my kids class a little boy started crying, but it wasn't too bad. He was a bit confused. The other children were drawing their brothers or sisters but he was an only child. I told him that he could draw me instead! It sort of worked.

One class didn't show, but every other one did. Not all of the people of course. Sigh.

After work Fumihiko and I went to Dan for dinner. It was really nice. We didn't over order for a change too!

We came home and discovered that our cups from Sado have arrived. We're both tickled pink to see them. They look good. Once we wash them I imagine that we'll be getting a lot of use from them.

This evening Fumihiko helped me with my travel insurance form. It's all in Japanese of course so I couldn't understand the form. He could and helped me a lot. Tomorrow I'll have to pay for it.

And that's about it for my day today. It was pretty good. Tomorrow, many different things will happen. I'm looking forward to it.

Gotta go.....Night!

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