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April 16, 2004 -Friday

Nice day but a bit cloudy.

Today was okay, not too bad at all. In the morning I did laundry but couldn't get motivated to do my pilates. Sigh. Bad me. I napped then did usual morning stuff.

I wore my jeans to work today and I'm wondering if I'm right in thinking they are a touch looser than they were a couple of months ago. Maybe!

Work was really slow today for me. I only had two classes, right at the end of the day. I'm busier tomorrow so I prepped for tomorrow, and did a bit for next week too. That makes it easier if something unexpected happens.

After work I finished up and left. I rode to the apartment and Fumihiko came and picked me up. We went to Gusto where we each tried a new dish. Mine was okay. It was pork yakiniku with veggies. Not too bad, especially without sauce.

And that was my day. Oh, I'll be staying at the apartment tomorrow night so my update will appear late. Don't wait up for me! Night night.

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