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April 17, 2004 - Saturday

Cloudy and muggy, but not rainy.

I've heard all about 24, the Kiefer Sutherland tv show, but I've never seen it...until now. I was channel surfing at 1 something just now and found it. It's not fair! I REALLY wanted to see it from the beginning. Well, I guess that I can say I've seen 6:00 o'clock. It looked quite good.

On with today's stuff. Well, due to no fault of MINE I had to get up earlier than usual today. Saturday is usually one of the few days I can sleep in, but not today. Fumihiko had to go to work, and he had a drinking party to go to after work. That would be why I found 24 tonight! I'm watching late night tv. Sigh.

Basically today was good. I went to the apartment in the morning and went for a walk. It was really nice. I was a bit worried that it might rain first, but it didn't. I came back, took a quick nap and then cooked lunch and breakfast.

I was busy at work today. I had 6 classes, and they all went pretty well. I did a lot of review in my kids class and they had a blast! I finished up quite quickly after work and then hit the grocery store. I got some stuff for dinner and then came to my apartment. I watched last night's Roswell episodes and ate dinner. It was nice, salad and yakitori. Yum.

That's about it for today. I'm not sure what tomorrow will be like, but I'm looking forward to it already! Gotta go! Night night.

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