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April 26, 2004 - Monday

Sunny and nice day. Cloudy later on, but no rain yet.

I had a busy and productive day today. I finished my stamp book. I have literally hundreds of stamps but they were quite scattered before and I didn't know where they were, or what they were. Well, no more. The book is done.

I also did laundry today, and I cooked lunch for myself too. I was just going to go out window shopping when I realized that my stove was really bad, so I cleaned that too. It took a while, but it looks good!

I rode up Ginza street and stopped at a lot of shops. I didn't buy much, but I was looking for apartment stuff. I got myself some cards and some dividers for my stamp book. I went back to my apartment and while I was relaxing Fumihiko called to tell me that he was done with work.

He came to my apartment, I gave him some coffee, and then we went out to Kamerotei for dinner. It was so good, but we ate way too much! I can't believe it.

When we finished there we went to the new apartment for a while. I took some photos of the place to show my friends back home. We haven't done a lot to it yet, but we're working on it.

We came home via Lawsons after a while and then I watched ER. I enjoyed it a lot. It's still a good show.

Oh, tonight I probably won't update as I'll be trying to get some sleep. The next couple of weeks I'll be in Canada or in transit, so I may not be able to update regularly. I'll do my best though. Gotta go!

Night night.

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