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April 29, 2004

April 29, 2004

Hello everyone! I'm here in sunny Alberta safe and sound. I had a good flight over, it was long, but really quite nice. I didn't have a lot of trouble, just once in Vancouver airport, they asked to search my bags. They it through the X-Ray. Oh well.

Katie has grown a bit, but she seems pretty much the same. I went to see her play soccer tonight and she did very well. Her team lost, but it was probably because the goalie wasn't that great.

I also went shopping today. I picked up some nice stuff at Southgate Mall. I also visited the bank that I used to work in. I said hi to my old co-worker.

I'm planning to see my doctor tomorrow and I also get to babysit Katie for an hour or so tomorrow. I'm a bit terrified and a bit nervous about that! She's a handful at times.

Anyway, jetlag is starting to claim me again, so I think I'll end this and bid you all adieu until next time! Adieu eh!

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