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April 30, 2004

Sunny and gorgeous day. This is early spring in Alberta? Maybe I'm dreaming.

I had a good day today. I got up and made pancakes. Yep, that's right, pancakes. Van had some Atkins pancake mix lying around so I made a pancake for today's breakfast and had one leftover for tomorrow's breakfast. It was the best darn pancake I've ever had!

This morning Katie didn't have school, but Van had to teach a class, so I got to take care of Katie. We went to Millwoods Towncenter (I think) and the two of us walked around the mall. Katie got to ride a couple of the little rides they have for kids and I bought her some jelly beans and some glow in the dark sticks. Those were a bit strange as I had to totally smash the container to open it. It shattered and the pieces spread everywhere. We picked most of them up and a mall cleaning lady told us we didn't have to do any more so it was okay. I also watched while Katie went on the playground equipment. They have a nice indoor playground. She slid for a while and seemed to make a new friend. Yay her. I do have to wonder about some other parents. They let their kids walk around without shoes, climb up the slides, that kind of thing. I wouldn't let Katie do that, and she accepted my explanation very easily...I told her that if she walked up the slide with her shoes on, other kids might get their clothes dirty. Some kids were trying to climb up the slide while other kids were coming down. An accident just waiting to happen.

Katie and I stopped and she had a drink of apple juice, then we went to look at the pet store. When we did a once around the shop, it was time to go and meet Van. Van dropped me off at Heritage Mall bus stop and I said goodbye to them.

I transferred at Southgate to a bus going downtown. When I was there I sold some of my yen to the bank and then I hacked around. Man, has that place ever changed. It used to be Edmonton Center and the Eaton Center, but now I think it's just City Center. It's huge! I was going to go straight to the doctors after that, but realized I had tons of time and my transfer had already expired. So, I had lunch.

I went to a place in Manulife Place called Sunterra Market. It's a market where you buy food. I took a salad, a big salad! You pay by weight. It was delicious though.

After lunch I caught my bus and went to the doctor. It was fine...not great, not terrible. That's all the info you get on that though.

When I finished I went back to the City Center and went shopping. I went to Cotton Ginny first and got some things and then caught a bus back to Southgate.

At Southgate I had a great time shopping. I got stuff at Sears...lingerie and also at Additonelle - ditto. The sales lady at Southgate Sears was wonderful. She not only took the time to measure me, but she brought me bra after bra to try on. Since I lost weight, I haven't had a clue what size I am.

Feeling a little broke, I called Van and asked her to meet me at Heritage. She said she would so I caught another bus to go there. It was late getting in, but Van wasn't mad at me, she said she just got there.

On the way back to Beaumont Katie proceeded to mess up my hair. For some reason this is a big game to her. She also made farting noises on her arm. It was a bit annoying, but also incredibly funny. She was laughing so hard at herself that she couldn't do it for a while.

I called Michelle in the evening and we made some plans for tomorrow. We're going to spend the day together and then we'll spend the night together in the city. Of course, there won't be an update tomorrow night. Don't miss me too much!

Night night!

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