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August 5, 2004 - Thursday

The usual weather today!

I went to bed really late last night so getting up this morning was really difficult. Still, I managed. Hurray. Fumihiko drove me to the apartment and we unloaded my bike from the car. It was so easy, and nice!

I took out some garbage this morning, then drank some Diet Coke. After that I took a nap, and just to be safe I set 2 alarms! I didn't want to oversleep again. I didn't. Yay. I got up, showered and cooked my breakfast and my lunch. I washed my dishes and set off for work, on my new bike.

On the way to work I go past a school, elementary I think, and today the kids were swimming. In another place, under some trees, some boys were practicing sumo. They had the belts on and nothing else. It was interesting and I'd like to watch them, but I was running late, as usual! I got down town with only a couple of minutes to spare and then I hit a red light. I decided to go through the construction, but it wasn't too bad. The sad news is that the place where I had seen the ducks swimming a few weeks ago has gone. Sigh. This is progress?

Work was fine today. Classes all happened and for a change, I had a 100% attendance rate. Double yay. During the day, I had a chance to talk to Mika about some personal stuff. I was a bit surprised because after one of her lessons she told me that her student had her period. I said that in English we usually don't talk about it in public like that. Mika told me that one of her students was wondering how to explain about her having things like cramps to her homestay family. I told her that we probably wouldn't unless it was very severe. Then Mika asked me if we were allowed to take time off from work in Canada for our periods. Wow. What a concept. I'd heard from Susan that her contract in Hokkaido allowed her a certain number of days off for menstruation or breast-feeding, but in Canada? I explained to Mika that women in Canada have struggled hard to become equal to men in the workplace and something like taking a day off because of a period just isn't something we do. Of course, I'm sure that some women do take off days due to that reason, but they usually wouldn't say that was the reason. They'd say they were sick or something. It's a funny cultural difference. I think it's a good thing to have the days off in a way, but it kind of makes women seem weaker than men. Any opinions?

After work I finished up quite quickly and called my dearest. He picked me up and my bike too! We went to M's Dining tonight. It was quite good, which I didn't expect. I wasn't feeling well this evening. I had a bit of an upset, not my period, thank you very much.

We came home then and I checked my email because I'm trying to meet up with a woman on Sunday and I have to make plans. She hadn't received either of my emails. Sigh. That's annoying.

I also got an email from one of my close friends in Canada. Her father's been taken very ill and is currently in the hospital. It's extremely serious. I feel awful for her. She's had an extremely stressful year so far, and it isn't getting better. I hope she'll be okay.

And that's my day. I got Fumihiko to set up the VCR for me to tape Where Eagles Dare. It's an old movie with Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood. It's based on one of my favourite author's books. Does anyone still read Alistair MacLean? I think I read all of his novels, I wouldn't swear to it, but I think so. I haven't read any for a while though. I'll have to look out for one next time I'm at the bookstore.

Have a good evening...think a good thought for my friend please.

Night night.

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