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February 3, 2004 Tuesday

Cool, then light snow, and finally heavy snow.

What a day! We stayed up late last night watching "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?" on the TV last night, and doing my jigsaw puzzle. We aren't quite finished, but we're getting there. Now there is only one corner that isn't done. I hope to be able to work on it a bit more tonight.

Work was fine today. I had 5 classes and they seemed to go well, although there were a few absentees. I enjoyed myself most of the time.

After class I got a call from my hubby. He had just finished work. Poor thing. That meant he worked from 8:45 am to 9:15 pm. A long day. And I made him stay up late last night too. Well, I didn't make him, it just happened. For dinner we went to Dan, the izakaya. It was very quiet and we got a seat quickly. We had a lot of nice things. Caesar salad, eggplant, oyster nabe and crab. Yum yum.

When we left the restaurant, we were surprised to see that there had been about 3 inches of snow. It was snowing heavily and the car was covered in snow. So, we drove home, very carefully. It was nasty out there.

Fumihiko went and took a bath and now I'm off to finish my puzzle, if I can! I'm watching Topsy Turvy now too, but I don't know if I will watch all of it or not. Probably not! Night night...!

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