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February 4, 2004 Wednesday

Windy and snowy.

When we got up this morning, there was a lot of snow. A lot! We left on time, but we both did a bit of shovelling of snow before we got in the car. I cleared off the steps of the house, and Fumihiko did outside the garage.

At the apartment today I did a bit of my puzzle and watched Teen Wolf on Campus. It was pretty funny. On yesterday's episode they had Corey Feldman. A while ago they had Corey Haim, so this kind of made it interesting. They both played vampires, which is funny if you remember The Lost Boys, because they played vampire killers in that film. Then, I took a nap.

I left a bit late for work today, but made it on time. I had to go quite quickly, but that was okay. I did have to stop for the traffic light, which wasn't so great! C'est la vie!

I wasn't busy with teaching at work, but I did a bit of work on my re-decorating efforts and prepared classes, etc. Not a bad day, although some of my students didn't come. Sigh.

After work I called the students that didn't come and told them about the days off. Then, I left with my hubby for M's Dining. I had chicken and he had a new hamburger dish. I liked mine, he didn't like his as much. Oh well.

Then we came home. At home I found two boxes of Christmas presents waiting for us! We did very well! I got a pilates ball and video, a nightie, a silver box, socks and some Atkins muffin mix. Hurray! Fumihiko got a mini basket and some slippers. Hurray for Christmas presents!

Then, Fumihiko gave me my birthday presents, just after midnight! I got spoiled this year. I got a pedometer, a jigsaw puzzle and frame and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Hurray! I can't believe it. My husband actually listened to me this year! I guess making a list is a good idea. I'm so lucky. I feel like it's Christmas and my birthday rolled into one.

Tomorrow night I won't be updating as we'll be spending night at an undisclosed location! So, don't wait up for me! Have a good couple of days without me. Night night.

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