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February 9, 2004, Monday

Cold but generally clear.

The last couple of days have been interesting. On Saturday night we had my birthday party at a new place. It was quite good, and the food was great. Chris and Aki came over from Sakata and joined in. Chris, Calgarian that he is gave me the unexpected birthday present of a Calgary Flames cap. I wasn't too happy about that. I may wear it house, or when I want to disguise myself!

After the party we went to karaoke until about 4 am. It was a lot of fun. I sang a lot of silly songs and so did Chris. We did let a few other people try from time to time though.

Fumihiko and I spent that night in the apartment and slept in very late the next morning. Before we went to bed though, I opened my birthday presents from Van, Joe and Katie. I got a lot of nice stuff, including a watch and long johns and socks. I also got a groovy little necklace and some leggings. Yay! All good stuff.

On Sunday, when we finally got up, we went to M's Dining for lunch then headed out to the mall. We played coin games for a while, discussed going to a movie, but didn't, then looked at some books in the bookstore. We had dinner in the mall and then went home.

This morning we slept in too because Fumihiko didn't have to work today. When we finally got up we went to Edoichi for lunch and then Fumihiko dropped me off at the apartment. He went to a laundromat to wash our bedding and I went to the apartment to wash my laundry for work and also make soup. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling too well, but I think I'm better now. I washed, souped and watched The West Wing. Dang, I like that show!

Fumihiko came and joined me at the apartment. At first I was a bit ticked off at him because he just plunks himself down in my chair and just sits there. But, after a while he fell asleep and I got over it! While he slept I did a bit of straightening up around the apartment and it looks a lot better. Now if I could just make myself take out the garbage!

After his nap we had some soup, which was darn good, thank you very much! Nothing too special, just vegetables and some chicken. It's very thick and quite delicious.

We didn't know what to do after that so Fumihiko suggested going home and watching a DVD. However, I suggested that we watch a DVD in my apartment. He agreed, so we watched Babe in The City. It was great! It was surreal in parts, but very sweet and funny too. I loved it.

When we finished the movie, we came back home. Fumihiko is off taking his bath now. We both have to go to work tomorrow, so we have to get up early. I am not looking forward to that! Yuck.

There was some talk about us going to Sendai tomorrow night after work, but I doubt that we will. The roads were very slippery tonight and I'm worried about driving through the mountains, and just driving in general.

So, if you don't hear from me, we might have gone there, but if I post tomorrow night, then we didn't!

Night night!

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