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February 10, 2004, Tuesday

Reasonably warm and clear, still lots of snow everywhere.

I'll keep this one short because it's late and I'm quite tired. We didn't go to Sendai or anywhere because it was late and Fumihiko was feeling very tired tonight. I'm sort of planning a trip there on Monday...maybe!

I had a good day of teaching today and almost all of my classes went well. I taught something in a new way in my second last class and it went well. In my last class I taught the student something that really surprised him. It was neat. I really did teach him something new!

After school Fumihiko came and got me and we went to Cocos for dinner. I had chicken nabe which was rather nice. We also had drink bar and I drank a lot of coffee, which is probably why I'm not tired yet. I also proceeded to teach my husband the things I talked about with my student tonight! It was fun.

When we came back to our house I read email and blogs for a while, and Fumihiko put on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie. It's very enjoyable. I'd seen it before, but it's worth watching again.

And that's about it. Not sure what's in store for us tomorrow. Hope it's something nice, but I'm not sure. Take care eh!

Good night....

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