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February 11, 2004, Wednesday

Warm and clear, then rainy with lightning at night.

A kind of okay day. We stayed up very late last night watching Harry Potter and the bonus stuff on the cd. It was pretty interesting.

When we finally got up it was around 11 and then Fumihko had to drive his mother to Oyama. While he drove her I got dressed and read some of my book. We went for lunch to Hyakkenbori, near the university. It's a very nice place to go, but I'm afraid that there wasn't enough food for me. Usually I order a salad to go with my meal in lieu of the rice, but they didn't have any on the menu. Sigh.

After the meal, we went to S-Mall. I'm not sure why. I mean that in the honest sense of the words. As soon as we got there Fumihiko headed into the bookstore (that doesn't sell any English books at all). Since on our way to the mall we had passed the one and only bookstore that does sell English books I thought it was a bit rude. I went and looked in the music store for a while and then bought a couple of cards downstairs. I came back upstairs and sat outside the store and contemplated my future.

When he finally found me, we went and bought our kerosene and then headed home for a while. When we got back we discovered that a bunch of snow had fallen off our roof onto our front steps, so both of us did some snow shovelling before hearing the phone ring. Fumihiko went and picked up his mum and I read some more, which is actually what I wanted to do all day. Sigh.

This evening we went out for dinner to the Daiichi Hotel. They had a Chinese and Korean buffet. It was really nice, although I'm a bit worried because there were only 4 people, including us, eating dinner there. It's a tad expensive I guess, but quite enjoyable.

Then we were almost home when Fumihiko realized that he hadn't had his headlight fixed. It seemed to have burned out the last couple of days, so we had to try to get it fixed. It was hard to find a place around 9:00 that was still open. Still, he managed to do it.

Then we came home. That was pretty much it. Nothing too special, sadly!

Catch me tomorrow, okay?

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