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February 19, 2004, Thursday

Warm and sunny in the morning, rain later on.

Today was okay! This morning at the apartment I watched Roswell and worked on my puzzle a little bit. I also cooked my lunch early and had some coffee. After Roswell, I took my nap.The upshot of all of that was that I left for work early, and got there in lots of time. Yay me!

Work was okay today. I had 5 classes and a meeting so I was a bit busy. Also, I had to talk to a student today about her future. I'm happy to say that she decided to continue studying with me. Yay.

After school today, my hubby picked me up and we went to a yakiniku restaurant. It's one we don't go to very much, but it was quite nice and we both ate a lot! Then we came home and talked for a bit, drank some decaf coffee and now I'm doing this. That's about it for me!

Gotta go....oh, and before I forget, I'll be spending the night at the apartment so my update will likely be late...or possibly non-existant tomorrow. Don't wait up for me! Night night!

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