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February 21, 2004, Saturday

Sunny and amazingly warm!

Today was such a nice day! I woke up late-ish, and then Fumihiko took me out for breakfast. Then, he dropped me off at work.

I had a good day at work. All of my classes happened, so I was a touch busy. I'm not sure why, but no-one seems to believe me when I say I'm busy at work! Hmm.

I went out for lunch to Jusco. Before lunch I trawled around the ladies clothing section and found a sweater there that I didn't have, so I bought it. When I was in the line up I realized that it was on sale, even more than the sticker price. So, my new 1000 yen sweater only cost 730 yen. That's an amazing price! I don't really like the colour, although it will go nicely with some of my new pants, but I like the style. They didn't have the style I liked in a colour that I liked. C'est la vie.

After work today I needed a little space so I asked Fumihiko not to pick me up for a while. I finished up my work and then gave him a call. I'm glad that I did that because I was in need of a little Helen time. (Not to be confused with "Hammer-Time"!)

When Fumihiko picked me up we tried to go to a couple of places for dinner, but they were either too busy, or out of food! So, we ended up at Cocos. It was okay. The food is fine there, but it's a touch pricy and there's only a few things that I can eat on the menu. So I ended up having almost the same thing for dinner as I did for breakfast....hamburger. Sigh.

Then we came home and spent some quality time together, before I plugged in my little ol' computer and checked my email. I'll be going to bed soon I hope as I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day.

Night night!

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