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February 20, 2004, Friday

Warm and sunny, gorgeous day.

A pretty good day. At the apartment I did my laundry then I took a quick nap. After that I showered and got ready for work. I managed to leave on time today, and since it was so nice I rode my bike to work.

I didn't have a busy day at all. I ended up only having one class, but it did go fairly well. I talked with my trainer today and then spent a lot of time calling one of my students. Well, more correctly, I called hismother and talked to her. It was a good conversation, and everything worked out really well.

After work I finished up and left quickly. I was part of the way to the grocery store when my phone started to ring. Fumihiko had arrived back in Tsuruoka and wanted to meet me at work. Of course, what he didn't know was that I'd already left work! I told him to meet me at the corner by Jusco and he was surprised to see me so soon. We walked to the grocery store and I got a few things for my dinner. Fumihiko was nice and paid for it all. Then we walked back and he pushed my bike all the way. That was sweet of him too.

At the apartment he went to bed almost immediately! I made some Indian Chai...low carb style....which was wonderful, and then cooked my dinner. I had kim chee nabe...and it was great. I put on a DVD later, The Truth About Cats and Dogs. I'm really enjoying it as I watch and write! Poor Ben Chaplin, he hasn't really been in a lot of movies since. I wonder if Colin Farrell is the new Ben Chaplin?

Anyway, I'm off to work tomorrow, wish me luck. I may have a reasonably busy day. Night night!

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