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February 22, 2004, Sunday

Warm and sunny.

It seems a bit strange that in February I write that it is warm and sunny, but that is what it was. The weather was nice. I wore my new sweater over a t-shirt and roasted today!

Fumihiko woke me up again before I was ready to wake up. That man is the noisiest guy in the world! Then when I wanted to just relax and read a magazine in bed, he made me coffee. That meant I had to get out of bed where I was cosy and comfortable to drink it. I wasn't too keen to be honest. We ended up leaving early so that we could eat brunch because he was hungry. Okay, I admit it. I was hungry too. And I enjoyed the coffee so it wasn't that bad getting up early!

We spent the rest of the day running around, at least that's how it felt to me. We had brunch, bought kerosene, and then went to the Mall. On the way there, Fumihiko told me that he'd been invited to go to the car dealership today. I wasn't too happy at the idea of going there, I mean I just sit there and don't understand what's going on. Anyway, we didn't go...I'm happy to say.

At the mall we checked movie times and decided to go and see Love Actually. It wasn't on for an hour, so we walked around more and then went into the book/video store. I didn't buy anything! Wow. Can you believe it? Me neither.

Then we went to the movie. It was really enjoyable. I laughed a lot and cried a little...does that sound sappy? It was nice though. Good to see a romantic little film like that.

After the movie we went to Kamerotei for dinner. It was really nice and I probably ate too much! Then Fumihiko took a quick turn around the hardware store and we came home.

The headache that had been on and off on me all day was very much on when I got home so I made the beds and then tried to take a nap. Fumihiko, the noisiest man on the planet, came up to the room and proceeded to get changed or something and then he started watching a dvd. I guess I must have fallen asleep, because I got up a bit ago to use the washroom. When I came back I went to bed and turned off the light in that part of the room. The next thing I know, Fumihiko has stopped his dvd and comes to bed too. He turns on his bedlight which of course shines right in my face, then turns off all the lights in the room and gets into bed. I wasn't ready to go to bed yet, so I got up and started doing this.

It's been a frustrating day for both of us I think. We had a day of not quite understanding each other and not quite hearing each other. I bit the inside of my mouth very hard at dinner so that's painful, plus I have the headache that won't quit too. My rings, which Fumihiko did pick up for me yesterday are now too small and while I can get them on okay, I can't get off easily. Sigh. When we got them resized I tried to get him to ask about size fluctuations, but being a man he's never had to worry about fat days or water retension, so he didn't bother.

So that's been my day off. Not very good if I'm honest. I might just go to bed soon, at 10 pm! Or, I might stay up for a while, I haven't decided yet. I really have too much to do to go to bed now.

Night night!

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