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February 23, 2004, Monday

Cold, snowy, with hail.

After last night's glowing weather report, a big change happened! We had rain and terrible wind all night. It was a bit like Wuthering Heights outside. If you listened carefully I'm sure Kate Bush could be heard wailing away in the background! Today when I went for groceries, I had to contend with hail and strong wind.

This morning I went to the apartment and did something daring for me...I took out my garbage! I haven't done it for a while. It was a good thing to do. I came back into the apartment and after a while took a nap. I slept and slept. I woke up with one alarm and ended up setting the alarm again for an hour later! I finally dragged myself awake around 12:30. I did laundry, folded up the clean stuff, ate some yogurt and drank some Indian Chai and watched some Canadian TV.

Around 2:30 I left for the bank. I paid my two water bills and then made a quick stop by the post office then off to the grocery store. It hailed on me a couple of times, and after the grocery store I kept running into Japanese high school boys. They are the rudest, most arrogant people. They wouldn't consider getting out of the way because someone wants to get by. Sigh.

Back at the apartment I put away my groceries and then left for the bus stop. I caught the bus to Mikawa and when I was there I went shopping. I got myself a new shirt and a casual jacket. I think that will be nice. They had a lighter coloured one too, but honestly, I didn't like it as I manage to spill on everything or get everything dirty! When I was in the changing room Fumihiko called me and he met me just as I was going to pay for the clothes that I bought.

We bought our tickets for the movie and then we had dinner in Kamerotei again. It was quite nice tonight as we didn't order the "set" menu, but went off it. We had some chicken, pork and beef so a nice assortment.

The movie( The Return of the King) was good. I really enjoyed it. It tied everything up nicely and was quite touching too. I'm not sure it was as good as everyone says, but I did enjoy it.

After the movie we came home. At home I found another Cosmo waiting for me, but I haven't quite finished with the last one yet. Still, this on is on time for a change! It's still February....hurray. Hey, did I mention that I'm not renewing my subscription to Cosmo this time? I'm not sure if it's me or if it's the magazine, but I don't like it anymore! There's more in my life now than just "catching a guy"! I'm thinking of switching either to British Cosmo or British Marie Claire. I haven't decided. Both magazines have a lot more going for them than the American editions.

And that's it for me for tonight. I have a can of diet coke with no caffeine in it that's calling my name and I want to finish it up soon. Have a good night!

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