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February 24, 2004, Tuesday

Sunny and warm day today.

Today was okay. I did my usual before work things then left for work in time. At work I worked! Nothing too exciting there. I finished early because my last two classes didn't show up. It was quite sad, especially since I worked really hard on one of my lessons to make it more interesting.

After work, Fumihiko picked me up and we went for a drive. We went out to Yunohama beach and then drove back into Tsuruoka and ate dinner. After dinner we watched a program on learning English, because it was about Easter. I have to teach about Easter soon, so I was hoping to learn a lot. I did. And I got a few ideas for teaching my classes....he he he!

And that's it. My day was quite boring really. Gotta go...I'm watching's so silly, but I really loved that movie when it first came out. Night night!

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