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February 26, 2004, Thursday

Cool and windy, very windy.

An okay day today. I went to the apartment and then watched Roswell. After that I took a short nap before taking a shower, making lunch and breakfast.

I was supposed to be a bit busy at work today, but I didn't turn out to be that way. My last 3 classes ended up cancelling so I was looking for things to do! Luckily I found them. I did manage to leave rather early which was a nice surprise for me.

After work Fumihiko took me to M's Dining. It was quite nice. I had chicken and soup tonight. Yum.

We came home and discovered that his Mum has decorated the living room with a few Hina Dolls. It looks really nice. I don't really understand a lot about the dolls, but they look nice. I like the older ones.

Anyway, that's it for me for today. Gotta go!

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