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February 25, 2004, Wednesday

Cloudy with a few drops of rain in the morning, clearing and nice at night.

A good day! I slept in late at the apartment, but managed to get everything done in time. I left for work, but rode my bike because I wanted to stop off at the post office to make a payment. I ordered some stuff from the Foreign Buyer's Club, and I had to pay for it by Friday! The only problem with my bike is that I wore very wide legged I had to be very careful not to get them caught in the chain.

Work was a bit slow today, but the classes that I did have went quite well. I managed to get out of the office quite early. Hurray.

Poor Fumihiko finished just before me, so he met me at the apartment. On the way there, I wore rubber bands around my ankles to keep my pants out of my bike gears. It worked! At the apartment I grabbed my clean laundry, took out something from my freezer and went back to the car.

We went out for dinner to Gusto and there I got a surprise. I saw two of my old students! One of them I hadn't seen for more than 3 years, so it was really nice to see her again. We chatted for a bit, and I hope I can see her again, maybe soon?

White Nights is on the TV tonight and I asked Fumihiko to tape it for me. It's one of my favourite movies...Mikhael Barysnikov...oh baby! So, the obliging guy that he is, he set the VCR for me. Yay! I'll watch it later I hope.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. I had a pretty good day. I should be a little more busy tomorrow, but then again, I'm not sure. Absenteeism is bad at this time of year. Sigh.

Pleasant dreams...night!

Yes, it is the anniversary of that day, but I wasn't able to formally commemorate it. Hopefully I'll be able to do that next Monday.

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