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February 27, 2004, Friday

Cold with a bit of snow.

It was really cold this morning when I woke up, so it was really hard to get up. I don't like cold places.

This morning at the apartment I did my laundry and then I watched some of my Canadian shows on tape. Yay! They're really old though. Oh well. I also did my usual stuff and managed to get done early. I left for work and didn't have to hurry. Hurray.

I wasn't too busy at work today either. I did get some stuff done. I am taking some holidays next month so I filled out the form for that and then I planned all of my stuff for tomorrow. I got done early tonight and then left with my guy.

We made a quick stop off at my apartment then went to Moundon. It was really nice tonight. We had a mushroom dish, and some bulgogi too. Fumihiko had ordered something else too, but he cancelled it because it would have been too much. Sigh.

We stopped into 7-11 for some canned coffee and then decided to visit Mount Kinbo. There was some kind of lantern festival tonight. Well, my nightmare came true. We got halfway up the hill and then bascially got stuck. Cars in front of us couldn't go and there were a growing number of cars behind us. We don't have four wheel drive on our car, and with the snow last night the road was a bit slippery. We let the cars go by and then Fumihiko backed a long way down the hill. He didn't have to go all of the way down, but it was scary. When he'd suggested going there yesterday, I had a vision about backing down the hill in the dark and it was not something I wanted to do. There were a few minutes when he left me in the car to talk with other drivers...and they were terrifying. The car even rolled back an inch or so once and I nearly screamed. In fact, I'm going to scream now....ARRRGGHHH!

Anyway, we got back to level ground and I'm not going to let him try something so silly again, at least, not for a while!

That's it for me for tonight....have a good night.

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