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January 12, 2004 - Monday

Not too cold, not too windy, not too warm!

A kind of nothing-y day. I slept in very very late today because I went to bed very, very late! When I finally got up and got dressed we went out for lunch to "the evil place!" That's my nickname for Edoichi because I always seem to get a bit sick after I eat there, but Fumihiko likes it because he can eat as much as he likes of many different types of foods.

After we ate we ended up driving to Sakata. Fumihiko wanted to check out the lookout tower in the harbour. Well, we drove there and discovered that it was closed until March! So, we went and looked at bikes in a bike shop instead. Fumihiko has been thinking about getting a new one ever since his little folding bike was stolen...He didn't lock it so what did he expect? He didn't buy one, but saw some nice ones and was a bit surprised by how expensive they are!

We came back to Tsuruoka then and went to karaoke for a couple of hours. It was fun. I sang a bunch of songs. I tried not to do my old stand-bys...or at least not too many of them. Fumihiko on the other hand stole one of my songs! He did Day-O! The nerve!

After karaoke we had a quick dinner in Benkei. It was really good, as always. I really like that place. The decor isn't pretty, but the food is good, and the people are nice, so who cares?

Then, we came home. Fumihiko is off taking his shower and I'm going to take one too. I have a busy day tomorrow and I don't want to take a shower tomorrow morning.

I'll try to write my updates over the next couple of days, but I won't be able to post the entries for a while. Don't miss me too much! Night & sayonara!

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