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January 27, 2004 - Tuesday

Snowy and cool. More snow again!

A good day mostly. I did the apartment thing this morning. I filled up my kerosene tank and then took a long nap! After I showered and cooked and left for work.

I was the only person in our office today. It was a bit sad, and a bit lonely. I had lots of planning to do, but then half of my classes didn't show up. I hate that! I didn't have much to do, I talked to a student for a while and also read the newspapers.

After work I finished early and called my hubby to come and get me, but he didn't answer the phone. I tried him twice, where the heck was he? I have no idea. He phoned back later and said that he'd only just found his phone. A likely story. I believe him, I really do.

We went to Moundon, the Korean restaurant that we go to. It was great. We ate too much unfortunately. I told Fumihiko I was full and then he ordered another dish. I know, I didn't have to eat it, but it was really delicious so I did. Sigh.

We came home and then I opened a box of books that I got from my friend Sherry. She sent me Blowfly, the latest Patricia Cornwell. I have to return it when I finish it, so if I like it I'll buy the paperback when it comes out. I keep saying that about Harry Potter too. I still haven't read it because they still haven't put it out in paperback.

Oh, before I forget. Tomorrow Fumihiko has a business meeting so I'll be at the apartment. I think I'll take along my computer though, so I'll be writing, but not posting. Got that?

Nightie night!

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