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January 28, 2004 - Wednesday

Warm with a bit of snow.

A pretty good day so far! This morning I rested at the apartment. Before I did that I started my soup. I planned to have soup for dinner tonight. I cooked the chicken this morning and then cooked breakfast and my lunch.

I wasn't very busy today at work, but I made myself do a lot of things. I did planning and I also changed a little bit of my room decorations. Not a lot yet, but I hope it'll be good.

I finished work quickly and walked to the apartment. When I got here I got a call from my beloved! It was really sweet. He was a wee bit in his cups.

I worked on my soup. I put a bit of onion in it, some broccoli, some cabbage, cauliflower and chicken. When I finally got to eat it, it was delicious. My chicken veggie soup is pretty good, even if I say so myself, and I do.

I'm watching Roswell now and it is interesting. Tess is pregnant and Max is freaking out!

Well, I don't often get to spend time alone in my little apartment, so honestly, I'm enjoying myself! I can read what I like, when I like, and I can do my jigsaw puzzle as much as I like. Hurray! Actually, I am hoping to have a good night's sleep tonight and to sleep in late tomorrow morning. I hope!

And that's my little epistle for tonight. Good evening!

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