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July 3, 2004 - Saturday

Basically hot, but with a bit of cloud too.

A bizarre day! This morning I went to the apartment and did a bit of my puzzle before taking a nap. Then I did the breakfast/lunch stuff and left for work.

I was quite busy today at work. All of my classes happened, and only one student was missing today. She even called, so I didn't worry. Yay.

After I finished up and did all the paperwork that I had to do, I got ready to leave.

Fumihiko called me and met me at the old apartment. He asked me where I wanted to go and so I said it was up to him. He said that he was going to go to the grocery store to pick up some dashi (fish stock). He'd cooked/prepared dinner for us at home. I know it's horribly ungrateful of me to say this, but I really wanted to go out tonight. And then, when I ate dinner, it wasn't very good. He'd made shabu-shabu and I couldn't eat the beef part of it. I don't know if it was the dashi, or the sauce he used, but it was awful. The meat tasted so bad.

Maybe he was disappointed I didn't like his meal more, but later he asked me not to talk anymore, so I haven't. I haven't said a word to him in about 3 hours. He's sleeping now. He has to go to work tomorrow, I'm off to the apartment to try to finish cleaning.

Last weekend we had a bad argument and didn't talk or see each other for two days, that's why there was no update. I'm feeling a bit punchy and vulnerable at the moment, but I'd just as soon not go into details that much.

Anyway, hopefully this will absolutely be the last weekend that I waste at the apartment. I really don't want to go there anymore.


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