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July 4, 2004 - Sunday

Hot and sunny.

What a day. This morning I went to my old apartment and went to sleep for a long time! When I got up I went to the convenience store for food, then came back to my apartment to eat it. When I finished I got to work.

I did a lot. I washed the floor, vacuumed, cleaned the sink and the cupboards and waited for my husband to pick me up and take some of my stuff out of there. Unfortunately, he didn't show up.

Around 9 I phoned him and left a message. Then I went to the grocery store because I was starving. A bunch of snack food for lunch isn't a great meal at the best of times and that was hours ago. While I was in the grocery store he called me. It turns out that he'd finished work at 6:30 but had gone home and gone to sleep in the living room. He didn't tell me at all. Hmm. I was so angry with him that I hung up on him.

Back at the apartment I said a few choice things, ate my food, then called him back. He didn't make a lot of sense. He was very tired and he was slurring his words a bit. I was worried about him and said I'd sleep at the new apartment if he didn't want to drive. However, he did.

He met me and we went to Gusto. I had salad since I'd already eaten some meat. We had drink bar too. Fumihiko worried me. He could hardly walk. He looked a bit drunk. We ate, then left after too many drinks (lest you get the wrong idea, all the drinks were non-alcoholic).

When we got back in the car he asked me if I'd like to go to the beach. I said sure. So, we drove to Yura, got out of the car there and sat and listened to the ocean for a while. We talked a little bit. It was nice and friendly. It was one of the nicest things we've done for a while. We haven't spent a lot of time together just being recently. I also realized on the way home that I haven't been exercising lately. When I exercise I de-stress, and that hasn't happened for a while. So, I'm going to try to start again. I need to!

Anyway, I feel much better now, even though I didn't get my apartment emptied YET. Tomorrow or bust. I swear!

Gotta go...night night.

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