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July 2, 2004 - Friday

Sunny and warm, nice day again. Yeah!

Another slow day. I did laundry this morning, then napped. When I cooked my lunch, I discovered that my chicken was basically in one big piece! I had to cut it into pieces to get it cooked properly! Bleck.

Work was fine. In one of my classes I was talking to my student about my bicycle and how I had to ride it back to my apartment after work. She suggested that I get a folding bicycle so that Fumihiko could pick me up easily. What a great idea! Fumihiko used to have one before it got stolen, but I never thought about getting one for ME! So now, I'm thinking about it.

I did the Canada Quiz in 3 of my classes today and gave it to one student for homework! I am a bit surprised that Japanese people don't know very much about Canada at all. Sigh. Oh well, this way they learn a little bit and have fun too, I hope!

After work I biked to the new apartment and then Fumihiko and I went to Cocos for dinner. I had the Caesar salad and it was yummy. It was too hot to have my usual. Sadly, the drippy waiter that I don't like was there. He's just annoying. I don't know if it's me he doesn't like, or if he just hates being a waiter. He never smiles.

Well, I should go. Tomorrow I start with the mini-monsters. That class is always a trial for me. Hopefully I'll survive! I hope. Cross your fingers for me!

Night night....

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