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July 5, 2004 - Monday

Sunny and warm, then rain later on.

Finally! I'm out of the apartment. We moved everything out of there today. Oh, but I'm getting ahead of myself again.

I slept in this morning, it was wonderful. Then, we went to the evil place for lunch. He asked me to go to Edoichi, so I did. It was okay, not as crowded as usual. Then, we went back to my apartment, and moved some stuff out. While Fumihiko took a load back to the new place, I did a bit of last minute cleaning.

We loaded up the car one more time, and then locked the door on that apartment. Hurray.

At the new apartment we unloaded the car, and then took showers. It was so hot today.

We drove to Sakata, to pick up Fumihiko's glasses. The only problem was, he couldn't remember where the shop was! We drove around, and around, and around, asking at other branches of the same store for directions. Finally, we found it. He picked up his glasses and we went to the mall.

At the mall we realized that the movie we wanted to see wasn't on until 8:20, so we went to get coffee. After coffee we went to buy Katie her birthday presents. We found a lot of nice stuff, hopefully it will all fit her.

We had a quick and hurried (but good) dinner and then went upstairs to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was great! I really enjoyed it.

We came home and Fumihiko went to sleep almost immediately. I wrapped presents, which was a bit tough as I didn't have any tape! Yikes. I watched ER and then I'm watching some British drama with Ciaran Hinds and Elizabeth McGovern. It's good, but I have no idea what it is!

Anyway, I had a good day. I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders. Whew!

Night night!

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