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July 17, 2004 - Saturday

Very rainy, but gradually getting less wet.

A strange day sort of! I did the apartment-y things this morning, but started with a cup of coffee first. That was nice. Then I took a nap. I woke up finally realizing that my hands had been under my body and now both had terrible pins and needles in them. Of course, this was also the time that my alarms went off so I was trying to turn them off with hands that I couldn't really feel!

I walked to work today. I didn't have to of course, but it was raining quite hard when I left and I just didn't want to risk an accident. It was a nice walk and I got there just in time.

I had a really slow day at work. My first kids class was there, although two students were missing, and then I had nothing until my 7 o clock class. And, the student was 35 minutes late in that one! Hmm. I guess it's just this time of year. Obon just finishing, I think means people go places now.

Fumihiko picked me up at the school and then drove me to the apartment where I packed a few clothes and changed out of my rainy weather gear.

We went to M's Dining for dinner. It was good, but not spectacular! We came home, Fumihiko complaining about how tired he is. He is sleeping away now, although he keeps saying he's going to get up and take a bath. I'm not sure if he'll really do that or not though.

Anyway, we're off to Sendai for the next four days. I won't be updating, so don't worry. I'll be back on Wednesday night. Wish me good luck shopping!

Night night!

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