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July 21, 2004 - Wednesday

Sunny and hot today.

Well, we made it back from Sendai a couple of hours ago. We had quite a day. We checked out of our hotel and then went to Matsushima. We had a few stops along the way, for things like lunch, but basically it was a great day.

At Matsushima we took a boat cruise around the islands, that was nice. I didn't feed the seagulls this time! We also walked around and looked at a fabulous temple, it was so peaceful, that it really felt like a place to worship. Sometimes in Japan, the temples don't feel at all holy.

We drove back to Tsuruoka, via Yamagata for dinner. We dropped off our stuff at the apartment then came to the house, and that was that! We're back. Sigh.

Okay, you want more info? Well, I shopped till I dropped! Almost literally. I bought lots of books, magazines, a few cds, and only one dvd. I got a dvd of The African Queen, so I think it was worthy. We each got a pair of shoes from Ecco, and Fumihiko bought himself a pair of pants and a t-shirt. He bought me a jimbei, which is a summer sleeping set...a bit like a judo outfit, but with shorts. It's really cool and comfortable, so I plan to wear it a lot! I got a few stamps, but really not that many. I got my fill of books and magazines though, at least for a few weeks. Yay! And, and, I did a book release for Bookcrossing. Double Yay! Last night we went to see Spiderman 2 and it was great. We both enjoyed it, and I am making plans to see it again.

We did have one weird thing happen though. When we were in a restaurant yesterday, a guy just started acting crazy. He started shouting that he was a boxer (in Japanese) and started hitting parts of the restaurant. At one point he kicked a picture hanging on the wall, which fell to the ground and broke sending glass flying. This of course is not a good thing when people are eating nearby. The waitresses called security, but the guy left before the security guard showed up. It was very strange. No one was hurt luckily, but it made both of us feel uncomfortable.

So, that's the info about our trip. It was fun, but now I'm broke!

Gotta go....night night!

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