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July 25, 2004 - Sunday

Sunny, hot, muggy, rainy, with thunder and lightning.

A good day, really. In the early morning I went to the apartment and then took a nice long nap. Heaven!

When I got up I did some laundry, and a bit of cleaning, unbelieveable I know! Then, I went out. I went to Jiro for lunch first. It was very nice, I had sauted chicken and iced coffee. Then I went to a second hand store, but didn't buy anything, a toy store to look at jigsaw puzzles and a drug store. At the toy store they had a puzzle of Notre Dame cathedral, which I think is the one I saw in Quebec City. It was nice, but a bit expensive so I didn't get it. When I left the toy store it started to rain, so I went to the drug store after that! I got some stuff for the new apartment and then left.

I picked up a few groceries on my way back to the apartment. I decided to prepare supper for Fumihiko tonight, but it was so darn hot I just didn't want to cook. I got some precooked meat and some salads.

At the apartment I set up the kotatsu table in the living room, but discovered that the mould that had invaded the tatami room, had gotten on the kotatsu. I cleaned it off, saying a few choice words at the time! I had just gotten the table set up when Fumihiko arrived. He was very impressed to see that I'd thought of him, so we had a nice dinner. We had egg and bacon soup, salad and roast beef and pork, and for dessert Fumihiko had yogurt and frozen blueberries. We also had some coffee with hazelnut flavouring in it. Everything was yummy, but the best part for me was that Fumihiko did the dishes! Yay! I did dry them though!

He watched a baseball game which was boring for me, so I read some of my book. I'm reading a book that Susan gave me ages ago and it's really long! That's why I haven't updated my books page for a while, I haven't finished it yet. It's a great read. I made us a second cup of coffee and while the kettle was heating up, lightning hit us! We had a big storm, and the power even went out for a couple of minutes! I don't know where my candles are, so I couldn't see anything except the kettle on the stove!

The power came back on, and then I found some of my candles. I'll obviously have to get more!

We left the apartment around 9:30. Fumihiko was hungry again so we went to Gusto. I had a salad and he had some noodle/salad thing. It looked good. Then, we came home.

It was a really nice day because we didn't fight, didn't yell at each other and I got to relax. Hurray! It was so nice for a change.

Tomorrow I'm off to the apartment again, but may go shopping in the afternoon, or late morning if I can swing it! I hope I can.

Gotta go....night night!

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