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June 22, 2004 - Tuesday

Light rain then clearing later in the day.

A pretty good day. I did something unusual for me. I went to my old apartment and took out some garbage. Then, I got on my bike, and biked to my new apartment. There I did all my usual morning stuff, worked on my puzzle, read a bit of my latest novel, The Face, by Dean Koontz and took a nap. After the nap I showered, cooked and then rode to work.

I had a good day at work today. I was a little busier than usual. I had 5 classes. Yay! Every one happened. And, they went quite well too.

After work I rode my bike back to my old apartment where Fumihiko picked me up. We went to M's Dining where I had chicken and a hamburger and a salad. For some reason, I was really hungry!

We came home and I watched Monk and now I'm watching Batman Returns. I don't like the Penguin, but I really like Catwoman, so I thought I'd watch a bit of it again.

And that, as they say, was my day. A pretty non-descript sort of day. Poor Fumihiko is having incredibly bad back pain. This kind of rainy, drizzly weather always does him in.

Gotta go. Night night!

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