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June 23, 2004 - Wednesday

Muggy, but no rain today.

This morning I went to my apartment, supposedly to take out my garbage, but I didn't do that. I did pump up my tyres using Fumihiko's pump, and then I rode to the convenience store and then I went to the grocery store and picked up a few groceries for myself. It was nice to ride my bike with good tyres again!

I read and napped and did a load of laundry, made my breakfast and then left for work. By bike.

Work was fine today. I didn't have a lot of classes, but I found out that I'm probably going to have some more classes in the near future. Not entirely sure I'm happy about that but, what can I do?

After work I rode to my old apartment, parked my bike and then grabbed Fumihiko's bicycle pump. I took it down to where Fumihiko was now waiting. We went for dinner to Gusto, then came back to the house. Right now, I'm watching Batman Forever. It's okay. Parts are good. I like it much more than Batman Returns.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. Have a good night everyone. Ciao!

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