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June 24, 2004 - Thursday

Muggy, but no rain. Hurray!

I thought of a new name for my lovely homepage today, a tribute to Quentin Tarantino, so here goes....Kelp Fiction! So, I'll try to do my day in his style!

Night night, I'm going to bed.

Work today was fine. I wasn't that busy, but I planned some lessons for next week, for a student that I don't know and only met briefly. I threw a few lessons together.

In the morning I went to my apartment and took out four bags of garbage. It was good to get them out of the way. I had to make two trips to take them there.

After work tonight I biked to our new apartment and met my husband. Then we drove to Coco's and had a nice dinner. I had stir fried beef and veggies again. It was very good.

I biked to the new apartment from my old one this morning. I had a good ride, but I didn't stop at a convenience store or anything. I grabbed a diet coke from a vending machine and went back to my place. I took a nap before leaving for work.

Well, there was no kelp involved today...oh now wait, I had some on my salad. I left out the swearwords, I didn't think my free homepage provider would like them too much somehow!

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