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June 30, 2004 - Wednesday

Mostly sunny, with a little bit of rain along the way.

I had a good day today. I went to the apartment to pick up my bike and then I rode to the grocery store. I got a few groceries and then went to the new apartment. I napped and then cooked breakfast.

Work was fine. I wasn't that busy in the morning, but in the evening I was. I did a model lesson for a child and taught other lessons. I also changed the school's calendar.

After work I went off with Fumihiko to take my bike to the apartment and then we went to M's Dining for dinner. It was good, then we came home.

I'm now watching Charmed, as always on a Wednesday night. It's fun.

And that was it. I'm off for tonight. Tomorrow is Canada Day, but I have to work. Sigh.

Night folks!

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