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July 1, 2004 - Thursday ** Happy Canada Day!**

Sunny and warm day, really nice day.

A good day today. I went to the apartment in the morning and went to sleep for a while! Then I cooked breakfast and lunch too. I left for work a bit late and had to bike quite hard. At one crossing, I was crossing and a guy ran the red light. He crossed just in front of me. If I had ridden my bike across he'd probably have hit me. Yikes.

I wasn't too busy at work today, so I wrote a quiz for Canada Day, well, actually I re-wrote it and changed a bit of it.

Classes were fine, although I had a few students not show up. In my last class the student was 40 minutes late, but she had to work so it couldn't be helped.

After work, I met Fumihiko at our new apartment, and we went to the restaurant in Voice. We got there, but the menu had changed! All my old favourites had gone...and they charge for the soup bar now. Too sad. Our meal was okay, but when we left we were still hungry!

We stopped and got some yakitori and then came home in time to watch Russell. Yep, tonight he was on The Actor's Studio. He was very interesting, but he looked a bit shy! He didn't look at the camera very much. I think it was filmed before he got married too. Anyway, he came over as a really dedicated,s mart guy.

And that basically was my day. Not much else to talk about.

Night night.

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